“In the beginning was the word
And the word was with God
And the word was God.”
According to the Gospel, even the world was
established with God’s word.
English, the universal
language is prominently used even at St. Mary’s Girls’ Matric. Hr.Sec.School,
at every phase of our students’ lives. Great pains are taken to encourage the
tiny tots to converse in English. We have specially trained Anglo –Indian teachers, who make corrections
wherever necessary and inspire the students to open up their thoughts and ideas
in the main language English. Great practice is given for all the students from
the Tiny tots to the Highest class to take part in all the activities and
competitions, undoubtedly.
Without English, one cannot talk to
people and understand them, one cannot share their hopes and aspirations, grasp
their history, appreciate their poetry, or savour their songs.
The English club forms a
platform for our students not only to elicit their inherent abilities in
Listening, speaking, Reading and writing but also in Acting.
The English Lab also
equips students to enrich their language by listening carefully, comprehending
and learning the right pronunciation. 40 computers are provided for students to
work individually. It paves way for extempore presentations too.
Thus, English Language
sets one in a corridor for LIFE.
It opens every door
along the way in one’s journey of LIFE.
Mrs. Ranjini T
Mrs. Vijayakumari
Mrs. J. Subhashree
M.A., B.Ed.,
Mrs. Fathimunisha
Mrs. Catherine Beulah Raj
Mrs. E. Anandhi